Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  Just a reminder that it is critically important for you to RSVP for our Palm Sunday worship service on March 28th at 9:30am.  We will be gathering in the sanctuary and will have less seating than in the gym.  The office phone # is 503/364-6041.  And even though I may not be physically in the office on Mondays and Fridays, I do forward the office phone to my cell so I can be reached over the weekend.  If I don’t answer, please leave me a message!

Here’s the links to this week’s Zoom meetings:

Created for Community, Wednesdays at 6:00pm

Meeting ID:  89578947810
Passcode:  611757

Bible Study, “What is God Saying Today?” Thursdays at 5:00pm

Meeting ID:  84055018008
Passcode:  569519

Church Council Meeting, Tuesday March 23rd, 6:30pm

Meeting ID:  874 3349 0562
Passcode:  699118


3-17-21 Attachment

2-17-21 Midweek Lenten Bulletin

I think that’s all for now!
