Blast 2024-05-16 PENTECOST!

Happy Thursday. Here is a pdf of the mail chimp sent out today.

Blast 2024-05-16 HC

Remember, this Sunday we celebrate Pentecost. Wear RED!!

We worship together with all four ELCA churches at Christ the Good Shepherd at 10 AM. A Potluck Brunch will follow service. All are Welcome!

Blast 2024-04-11

Happy Friday. Here is this week’s short form blast.

Blast 2024-04-11

The longer, more detailed, weekly mail chimp, will be sent out later this afternoon. If you are not receiving the longer newsletter and would like to, please contact the Holy Cross office via email at

Please join us for worship this Sunday, April 7th at 10 AM at Holy Cross.

Blast 2024-04-04

Happy Easter Season! Here is this week’s short form blast.

Blast 2024-04-04

Please join us for worship at Christ the Good Shepherd this Sunday, April 7th at 10 AM – 4440 State Street, Salem OR 97301

If you would like to receive the longer, more detailed, weekly mail chimp, please contact the Holy Cross office via email at

Blast 2024-03-28

Happy Easter! Here is this week’s short form blast.

Blast 2024-03-28

If you would like to receive the longer, more detailed, weekly mail chimp, please contact the Holy Cross office via email at