Weekly Email Blast

Hello, everyone!  Hope you’re all ready for whatever Mother Nature decides to throw at us in the next few days!

Please see the information in the “Attachment” regarding our Ash Wednesday vigil on February 17th.

I am excited to share with you that we are developing plans for Holy Week:  Palm Sunday (March 28th) and Easter Sunday (April 4th).  RSVP’s are more important than ever, so  it is CRUCIAL that you call the office and RSVP for these services once they have been developed.

We are developing a plan for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday – stay tuned for more information on those services.

Dan and Sheila Clausen will be making “to go” Easter Sunday dinners.  We’ll keep you posted with more information on this wonderful event!

Stay safe & warm!


2-10-21 Attachment
