Blessing something is an action verb

I love giving a blessing. It felt funny, I’ll admit, in my first years as a pastor. It felt a little bit like I was a fraud – who was I to offer blessing to another? Well, that’s just the point. Nothing at all. If the blessing comes from me (or from any clergy person) we’re pretty much out of luck. When I am privileged to bless someone, or a pet, or even an object, like a cross, that blessing better come from God. I hold my hand up, I make the sign of the cross, I speak an ancient blessing or a brand new one that just came my way – in God’s name. It’s God’s blessing I offer. My role is conduit – a piece of pvc pipe that conducts the blessing that comes from God to whoever or whatever is in front of me.  “But, then you’re not really doing anything, are you? I could just bless myself”. Yep. you could just bless yourself. But, if you’re anything like me, its hard to bless yourself. It’s hard to imagine that God really does love me, has put away all that detritus in my life just to love me.  But God does that. Really, really. It’s easier to hear someone else say it, easier to quiet the inner conversation that never ceases. Let me say it to you. And, this Sunday, Sept 22, let me say it to your animals!

We bless animals at Holy Cross every year near St. Francis Day. We will bless all comers (leashed and crated would be so nice – or a picture if you can’t make it work) and we all enjoy the day full of blessings. This year, our Blessing of the Animals will also feature recieving some new members which is great fun. Join us  – 9:30 am in the Garden (in the gym if it rains – are you praying?). 1998 Lansing Ave NE, Salem, Oregon.058-1

Pastor Patricia+