Email Blast 9-30-2020

2nd or 3rd attempt.

Weekly Blast 9-30-2020

I hope I get this right, Janet is the expert and I am not.

So I was not really so bad at it as it first appeared.  There were some glitches in the website admin work area and not my errors  things didn’t happen as expected so 2nd try on 10-1-2020

Blast 9-30-2020

9-29-20 attachment


We are blessed to have an opportunity to directly support evacuees from Oregon Fires.  Check article in the Blast.


Email Blast for 09-30-2020

Weekly Blast 9-30-2020

I hope I get this right, Janet is the expert and I am not.

So I was not really so bad at it as it first appeared.  There were some glitches in the website admin work area and not my errors  things didn’t happen as expected so 2nd try on 10-1-2020

Blast 9-30-2020

9-29-20 attachment


We are blessed to have an opportunity to directly support evacuees from Oregon Fires.  Check article in the Blast.


Graphs reflecting Current and Projected Income and Expenses

Expense graph Projected Income comparisons (1) Projected

Income-expense graph projectedIncome comparisons (1) Projected

Income-expense graph projected

These 3 graphs were presented and discussed at the annual meeting on Sunday January 27, 2019 by Loran Sell the 1st Vice President elect for the year 2019.  Finance committee will be reviewing and discussing further at the next meeting of the congregation, scheduled for February 10, 2019 following worship service.  Please review at your leisure and bring thoughts and ideas for future sources of revenue.  Karen Halvorson