Anti Semitism and the Lutheran Church

This last April, 2018, my husband and I visited Wittenberg, Germany, part of the history of my Lutheran heritage. Wittenberg is a famous city to fans of Martin Luther, who posted his 95 theses on the door of the Castle church in Wittenberg 501 years ago, on October 31, 1517. But as the news comes to us today telling us of a vicious killing of Jews in Pittsburg, PA, while they gathered for that most life-giving moment, the dedication of a child at his bris, my thoughts go to this piece of art, a memorial to the Jews which is erected at the base of the The Stadtkirche Sankt Marien or St. Mary’s Town and Parish Church . IMG_1324 Continue reading “Anti Semitism and the Lutheran Church”

Give them Wings

Quoting the Bible is a funny thing. It seems to me that, if the title of this message were “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” your reaction might be different. And yet, because we know the context of this quote from Exodus 20 – the ten commandments, the picture I have attached to this blog makes a lot more sense. In God’s commandments, the overarching theme is one of care. God cares for you. God cared for the Israelites, and released them from slavery and gave them rules that would make their lives better. That’s it.

Continue reading “Give them Wings”