Breakfast on the beach

We finished studying the Gospel of John in our verse by verse Bible class yesterday at Holy Cross. (We’re going to finish the year with 1John).  And so I got to read and experience Breakfast on the Beach with Jesus one more time. It’s a simple story, in JOhn 21, of the resurrected Jesus. But for me its a story of Peter, who loves Jesus so much but screws up all the time. Sound familiar? Well, I certainly see myself in that description; maybe you see yourself too. This year, in January, I got to visit the Holy Land with my husband, Pastor Joe, and we found our trip to the sea of Galilee very moving. The spot called Tagbha in Arabic was my favorite. Because this is where John 21 happened. If you go now, the church erected on that spot is called, “Church of the Primacy of Peter” – you see the story in John 21 includes Jesus telling Peter to “feed my shee” or “tend my lambs” 3 times and it’s been interpreted to be Jesus giving Peter authority over the rest of us. Ok. But that’s not what I hear in the story.IMG_2991.jpg

The church originally built there in the 4th century, and which lasted a good long time before the modern church was built there was known as the “Church of the Coals”. Well, yes. That’s where the story is focused. Jesus builds a charcoal fire on the beach (Yes, the last time you heard charcoal in John was the night Peter denied Jesus 3 times – the night of his arrest – the night before he is crucified). At the charcoal fire, he cooks breakfast for his beloved friends, and comforts them. Feeding them. And letting them know their discipleship continues even though he has died and been resurrected. Get out there and show people my love! That’s what I hear him saying.

As the news continues to be filled with meanspirited behavior, and untimely death and suffering, I cling to this scene – Jesus cares for you, friends, just as he cared for the disciples that day on the beach. Rely on that.


Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30 Holy Cross Lutheran at 1998 Lansing Ave NE, Salem, OR 97301.

Pastor Patricia+ (hope you enjoy the pictures from my trip this past January)IMG_2989